This year the Young Leaders Initiative continues in it's mission to engage young people as missional leaders for the transformation of the church and world. With the support of partner churches we have expanded our programs and plan to be an integral part of the emerging ecosystem of young people's ministries in the new Detroit Renaissance District.
YLI's Motown Mission Experience roared into it's 7th Summer hosting 400 youth from around the country for weeks of Christian service in neighborhoods around Detroit. This program and the new Metro Kidz Day Camp at Metropolitan UMC were staffed by 10 amazing college interns serving through YLI's Transforming Leaders program. These young adults live in intentional community in Detroit, serve through various ministries, and participate in spiritual discernment about how God is calling them to serve throughout their lives. In the Fall YLI will continue with a third year of restoring United Methodist campus ministry among the students of Wayne State University. Now in partnership with the DAC Board of Higher Ed. and Campus Ministry, this program will be seeking sustaining partnerships with local churches who care deeply about supporting radical discipleship among college students in Detroit. Finally, both our Metro Youth Encounter and Emergedetroit/Detroit Villages continue to nurture young people as leaders for youth ministries and as creators of new local expressions of Christian Community. This year both will be looking at some transitions in method and focus to connect better with district youth and new church start initiatives within our Connection. We thank all our partner churches and donors for their dedicated support this past year and look forward to continuing to celebrate together the inspiring presence and leadership of young people in our church! |
Mission of YLIEngaging young people as missional leaders for the transformation of the church and world. Archives
October 2017