YLI is pleased to be leading an effort to build an online discovery, engagement, and crowdfunding tool for United Methodist connected ministries that place young adults in missional engagements around the world. revGO.org will be designed to help these ministries: engage THOUSANDS of young adults from HUNDREDS of United Methodist and other churches as they serve with DOZENS of UMC-related mission and service programs sharing God’s love and justice while discerning God’s call in their lives.
If you'd like to hear more about revGO! please visit the site and sign up for our pre-launch email list. Also, please let us know if you have suggestions of programs who might benefit from using the site to help their young adults raise support, tell their stories, and launch lives of ongoing missional engagement and deep discipleship. YLI programs such at Motown Mission, Transforming Leaders, Detroit Villages, and WSU Catalyst all plan to take advantage of this new tool and we thank the Young People's Ministries of the GBOD for the DMYP Grant that has made this project possible. Looking forward to supporting this movement of young people transforming our church and world. The YLI Team Comments are closed.
Mission of YLIEngaging young people as missional leaders for the transformation of the church and world. Archives
October 2017